Sunday, April 18, 2010

23 weeks 3 days

Wow, it's been too long- I intended to post at least once a week! I have just been incredibly tired lately, by the time I get home from work I can barely form a coherent sentence. I haven't been sleeping well most of the time, between all the mini earthquakes here in San Diego, Braxton Hicks, and a hyper baby I am lucky to get a few precious hours, and after being on my feet all day that is hardly enough :P Other than the fatigue we've been doing pretty good ( and by fatigue I mean myself- not Kellan, the kid is going to be an Olympic athlete ). I look like octomom these days, I can barely tie my shoes. I don't know how I can have 4 months left, it feels like I couldn't possibly get any bigger. This weekend was a family girls' weekend for my Nana's birthday, and I had a great prenatal massage... if only the next 16 weeks could be one continuous massage! Mom and Dad offered to buy all of Kellan's baby room furniture/bedding, which is so exciting and such a blessing! Hmmm.... what else.... my belly button is starting to look like a cat's butt :P and I have started to get the lovely "pregnancy mask" which consists of some nice brown spots under my eyes, which go great with the broken blood vessels on my nose and forehead. I've been eating everything in sight as usual, last weekend we went to Outback and I ate a bloomin onion ( besides a steak, lobster, salad, and loaded baked potato- noms )- that onion was a MISTAKE. It was soooooo good but I was punished the whole weekend for my crunchy spicy delight! I was up sick all night Friday after eating it, which messed up Kellan's sleep schedule. For the next few days he mostly slept all day and then went banana sandwich in the middle of the night. When this kid starts going he is like a ferret in a paper bag. Only bigger. Brandon has been having fun reading baby magazines and books and informing me of baby facts, as well as his plans to buy organic fruits and veggies and make his own baby food. He is going to be the cutest dad. Well, that's all for now- hopefully it won't be too long before I can gather enough brain cells to write again :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baby registry

Creating a baby registry is an incredibly exhausting task. We spent FOUR HOURS at Babies R Us today scanning stuff that we didn't even recognize half the time. When we were standing in the receiving blanket aisle Brandon said "What the hell are these things for, exactly?"- I contemplated BS-ing an answer for a minute and finally said "I have no effing clue." Thank God the store provies a list of the things you need, we were like deer in the headlights. The strange Manager who was apparently God's gift to parents and the be-all-end-all authority on all things infant had a nice little story to tell us about how our cats will sleep on our baby's face. All in all, it was exhausting and incredibly overwhelming. Expensive, detailed, voluminous. :P

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

19 weeks 6 days- Ultrasound techs are sadists.

Kellan trying to block his face with his arms/hands

Talk to the hand.

Spine- look at all the tiny vertebrae!



The little black donut behind his peenie is his full bladder- he was holding it too! :)

Today we had our 19/20 week ultrasound at Scripps. Those people are sadists. They made me drink 32 ounces ( count 'em- 4 GLASSES! ) of water 90 minutes prior to my ultrasound and told me to HOLD IT!!! Then they were a half hour late getting me back. I almost pissed on their exam table out of spite. Clearly none of them has ever been pregnant, I very nearly peed with every step I took through that clinic. Seeing how big I am these days maybe I could have said it was my water breaking and no one would be the wiser :) Kellan was asleep for the first time in his fetal life during most of his ultrasound. I kept thinking there was no possible way they were going to get a half decent picture the way this baby rolls and kicks about 23.5 hours a day. He is still a huge baby, he is almost a pound now and he is still a week ahead of time size- wise. I hope he doesn't take after my brother- I don't want to give birth to a 10 and a half pound baby. :P But he is healthy and gorgeous and cute as usual.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Prenatal classes- denied.

I have been on a search for a prenatal yoga or swim class here in San Diego- apparently there exists no such class for a normal woman. Of course, there are plenty of classes about hypnobirthing your baby in a bathtub and classes about why you should eat your placenta/plant it in your backyard/make a shrine out of it- WTF? Are there no classes for a normal pregnant chick that just wants to work out and chill out and not hear about zen-births and hemp diapers? Evidently San Diego is no place for a girl who prefers an epidural and non-placental foodstuffs.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kellan's 15 week ultrasound pictures....

Here we go.... 18 weeks 3 days

Well, at the insistence of friends, I finally decided to cave and start a pregnancy blog.... are you guys really that interested? Lol. OK well here we go- 18 weeks 3 days pregnant and counting. The little man has been kicking like a champ for the past week- he is quite the enthusiastic mosh pit baby. He particularly hates when my increasingly tight scrub pants squish into him when I'm sitting- he goes at those with gusto. I'm well into the second trimester so no more near-barf experiences, except around ground beef. I swear it smells rotten even with taco seasoning on it. Sigh. On the plus side, I am finally actually looking pregnant now, not just like a fat girl as Brandon would so endearingly point out on an hourly basis the past 6 weeks or so. I actually had an old coworker say to me a few weeks ago " Uh, did you get like big? " ( as in fat ) to which I replied " Uh, I got like pregnant. " Look forward to it, premom friends- you will look like a chubby chick too, until your belly starts to get rounder, then you will just be cute :) That's all for tonight, I'll keep this blog updated with pics and posts for the next 22 weeks or so and you girls ( I am damn sure my guy friends are not reading this ) can keep up on what's going on in my pregnancy :)