Sunday, March 14, 2010

Here we go.... 18 weeks 3 days

Well, at the insistence of friends, I finally decided to cave and start a pregnancy blog.... are you guys really that interested? Lol. OK well here we go- 18 weeks 3 days pregnant and counting. The little man has been kicking like a champ for the past week- he is quite the enthusiastic mosh pit baby. He particularly hates when my increasingly tight scrub pants squish into him when I'm sitting- he goes at those with gusto. I'm well into the second trimester so no more near-barf experiences, except around ground beef. I swear it smells rotten even with taco seasoning on it. Sigh. On the plus side, I am finally actually looking pregnant now, not just like a fat girl as Brandon would so endearingly point out on an hourly basis the past 6 weeks or so. I actually had an old coworker say to me a few weeks ago " Uh, did you get like big? " ( as in fat ) to which I replied " Uh, I got like pregnant. " Look forward to it, premom friends- you will look like a chubby chick too, until your belly starts to get rounder, then you will just be cute :) That's all for tonight, I'll keep this blog updated with pics and posts for the next 22 weeks or so and you girls ( I am damn sure my guy friends are not reading this ) can keep up on what's going on in my pregnancy :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I am so proud of you for finally giving in and starting a blog! All of your friends up here in WA will probably agree with me. You don't have to post "belly pix" but have Brandon take some pix of you (clothed of course lol). Please keep texting me your funny pregnancy stories, I literally laugh out loud no matter where I am when I read them. Miss you, much love to you, Brandon, Doodles and the little man kicking around in your tummy.
